Sections and Tables of Contents

Your website is broken into pages with headings based on (by default) the Heading n styles used in your document. (Each heading with a style in the TOCTree option starts a new page on your website).
Each heading with a style in the Section option marks a heading on your website (if the style is also in the Title option, the text will be emphasised to indicate a more important title).
When a new page is created, a Table of Contents is generated on the ‘parent’ page (you can hide this using the option ‘ShowTOC’).

In this document, we use the following styles:

Title for the main heading.
Heading 1 and Heading 2 as the point at which a separate page is created.
Heading 3 for sub-headings within a page.

Normally, the table of contents for sub-pages appears where the first subpage occurred in the document. You can change this behaviour by using a “:name:” prefix on the heading. This creates a ‘named Table of Contents’, and the Table of Contents will appear in your document at the point you include a paragraph with the text: :name: tochere.
The Configuration Options is an example of this.