Changing words

Some Sphinx text strings are translatable using the gettext module, and we can use this feature to change the text that is shown
There is one file (per language) for html strings, and another for java strings:

Changing html strings

If you need to change html words (eg, the word ‘Docs’ that appears at the base of the breadcrumb at the top of each page in the sphinx_rtd_theme), use the option UserText with one of the following key words.

Key word

Changed text


the name of this set of pages


the next button at the bottom of a page


the previous button at the bottom of a page

Quick search

the text above the search box


the text on the button to start the search

About these documents

the link to ‘About’


the name of the link that takes you to the index


the link that takes you to the Search page
the title of the Search page

Search Docs

the prompt in the search box

Search results

the heading for search results

Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you’ve selected enough categories.

what you see when a search returns nothing